Monday, October 5, 2009

Beyonce's Dad Saying "No, No, No"

Matthew Knowles is at it again! This time the accuser is barely 6 months pregnant with a tabloid's dream. Knowles has experienced this situation once before (Kelly Rowland) and is prepping himself with the best lawyer possible. His representative for this case is none other than lawyer Neal Hersh, who is also representing Lamar Odom in his prenuptial negotiations with his newlywed, Khloe Kardashian. Tina and Matthew Knowles have been married for 29 years, and this is the appreciation Tina gets?!? Hmm. "What's love got to do with it? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?"

H. Slim: Well...this can end two ways: 1) Tina Knowles is old school with it and she turns a blind eye and keeps on moving with her family OR 2) Tina Knowles can get HERS and demand HALF! LOL. She has House of Dereon, too. Shiiiiiit. Ol' Matthew will be broke in no time. New child support and half of his fortune gone. Sounds like a woman scorned to me.

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