Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Funny Video of the Day

These dudes are hilarious.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hair By Sisqo?

Just when we thought R. Kelly was done with the masks, sex tapes, weave braids, bad 12-part videos, and all his other gimmicks...he does this. Kelly recently released a new song called "Hair Braider" with this hairstyle to match. This dude has completely lost it. Gold braids. Really, Kells? And then he has the golden wizard jacket to go along with it. What's next, a song called "Boy Shorts" and daisy dukes in your video? You're 40, dude. Take notes from Ronnie Isley on how to do it...


-H. Slim

Jo: If you can consider yourself a sane individual, then you can not possibly consider dying your hair GOLD! Or we can just one up them ladies and get the Platinum Blonde Bee Hive Weave from B.A.P.S. that stands about 4 feet tall. No. Still no comparison. So I guess my question is: Is Kells wearing gold-pointed Aladdin slippers? Of course he is. :)

Same Person...

The industry is trying to pull a fast one on all of us. I think these pairs are the same person. What do YOU think?

C'mon man! Ya'll ain't foolin' me! I got ya'll figured out...

-H. Slim

Flava Flav Back On It

If you're looking for a reason to get up and do something with your life, here it is. Flava Flav celebrated his 50th birthday on March 16th of this year, and he just recently announced that he plans to go back to high school to get his diploma. He dropped out of high school in the 10th grade in 1975. It's also gonna be his new reality show, but he said "I just want to show the world it's never too late to get your diploma, and show kids they should stay in school and not wait until you're old to get it." I feel that, Flav, but fifty?!
-H. Slim

Jo: I'm callin' B.S. How about, "I'm still broke and have no education or job skill to get a real job, and this reality show thing worked last time sooo..." I will not participate in the mindlessness! And what is with those little side teeth? Put some gold caps on those joints, too, please.

Beyonce's Dad Saying "No, No, No"

Matthew Knowles is at it again! This time the accuser is barely 6 months pregnant with a tabloid's dream. Knowles has experienced this situation once before (Kelly Rowland) and is prepping himself with the best lawyer possible. His representative for this case is none other than lawyer Neal Hersh, who is also representing Lamar Odom in his prenuptial negotiations with his newlywed, Khloe Kardashian. Tina and Matthew Knowles have been married for 29 years, and this is the appreciation Tina gets?!? Hmm. "What's love got to do with it? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?"

H. Slim: Well...this can end two ways: 1) Tina Knowles is old school with it and she turns a blind eye and keeps on moving with her family OR 2) Tina Knowles can get HERS and demand HALF! LOL. She has House of Dereon, too. Shiiiiiit. Ol' Matthew will be broke in no time. New child support and half of his fortune gone. Sounds like a woman scorned to me.

This Man Wants His CHICKEN!

Whoa, whoa, WHOA buddy! Is it really THAT serious?! LOL.

Please note how all the black folks 
were on "HUSH" mode. A few of them HAD to be thinking, "I feel you, bruh." Imean, it's not everyday that you see awhite man go bad like that.

Friday, October 2, 2009

"Off That" Conversation Pt. I

H. Slim: Being in the military and living in every part of the country has definitely broadened my horizons on how different things are in every region. I hate to admit it, but I have come to realize that my beloved country boys from below the Mason-Dixon line are usually behind the curve on fashion...

Jo: I'm glad you finally came to that realization! You have come a long way from stressing over how your T-shirt can match your sneakers in every way possible. I'm completely OFF THAT.

H. Slim: Old habits die hard. I'll tell you what I'm off of...Mr. Look At Me, I Have On the Same Name Brand Everywhere. I hate seeing a dude with a Polo shirt, Polo shorts, a Polo belt, Polo boxers, the Polo socks with the Polo sneakers, and pulling money out of his Polo wallet while he blocks the sun with his Polo hat. Get the Polo fxck outta here!

Jo: Well then somebody should let Soulja Boy know the deal. "Gucci down to the socks". Since we're ranting, I'm off terrible color ensembles. Here's a rundown: Hot pink and black is not cute--even a little bit. White cotton leggings are a "Hell no." Curly Hair Pieces--I'm talking those spiral, non-existent-on-real-people curls. Those flea market, mexican-style shirts that can pass for maternity clothing... UGH! The list goes on. Jamie, you wouldn't understand.

H. Slim: Nah, that's female stuff. I got one to match all of that: Rims. Period.

Jo: Not even 28's?? I'm talking about the ones that only allow you to drive 25 MPH.

H. Slim: ESPECIALLY THOSE! To my bruh's they scream "look at me", but to everybody else in the world they scream "NIGGER ALERT!" I like not having police give my car a double-take. That's just me, though...

Jo: Give me one word to describe this bunch of historical clothing that seems to keep resurfacing: Lot 29, Southpole, Girbaud, Ecko, Mecca, Fubu, Paco. (True Story on the last one. Turns out there are not too many malls in Pensacola, Florida.)

H. Slim: One word: Fail. Can I give another one word? BOOTSIE! If I see someone in Paco jeans, I might put a dollar in their big-ass jean pocket. "You need it more than me, man." As far as Lot 29 goes, what clothing store with a retail license even puts that on the racks anymore?! Lot 29 is harder to find than Waldo! LOL.

To be continued...


Uh-oh! I guess not everybody is a fan of what Drake has been doing. J. Holiday just put out a track called "Brand New," dissing Drake, and is addressing the fact that he feels Drake and other autotune-using rappers-turnt-sanga are invading his territory and other singers'. He also states that he feels there are some singers (maybe himself?) that have not gotten the recognition that they deserve, while Drake is thriving in the industry. The song is short but to-the-point. I LIKE IT! Now, mind you, I am a fan of Drake, but I am also a fan of competition. Holiday didn't cross the line, whatsoever...he simply challenged Drake to make music without using his "weak" vocals as a crutch. That is the definition of a true artist...rising to the occassion. YOUR MOVE, DRIZZY!

Sidenote: Where is J. Holiday's music, though? He's been comin' up kind of short since his first album. I'm just sayin'...
-H. Slim

Jo: Okay. If I could give you some advice, J... THE BRAIDS GOTTA GO! You could have taken the hint from Trey, R. Kelly, Bow Wow, Omarion, Lloyd, Luda--do I really have to go on? The only people wearing braids are under 13...and are nowhere to be found in the entertainment industry. Your songs aren't really that bad, honestly; it's just your lack of sex appeal. Sad but true. I think you're wearing a Members Only jacket with a Forever 21 hat. Im thinking more "I Love New York" than sultry R&B artist. Get with the program, son.

Have You Seen This Person?

"It's been seven yeeeears since you went awaaaaaay. Left without a wor-or-oooord; nothing to plaaaaaaay." What happened to Amanda Perez? I remember sitting in my Keyboarding class in ninth grade and hearing a clip of this song come on during my high school news. I was a fan of the song INSTANTLY. After that I heard one more song that was okay, and then Amanda Perez faded into the background. I think her image might have been a little too rough for some people. To be honest, she looked like she had done 5-10 in the penitentiary. LOL. Hopefully, she will find her way back into the spotlight...

-H. Slim

For 'old times' sake.

"Big Fat Black Lady"

I would just like to say that this what you are about to watch is very fxcked up...but funny as hell! LOL.

Did anybody catch what the reporter
said at the end? LOL. Dude was bein'

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"NXGGA PLEASE!" Moment of the Day

H. Slim: CLASS ONE case of Niggerdom. Weezy...c'mon, bruh. 
Really, man...GO SIT DOWN! P.S. Why are you swayin like Ray 

Jo: Tell a girl she's an "ugly dog ho" and you get your tour bus 
shot at and you sell a concert ticket; tell a girl she's a "fine dick 
pleaser", you get your tour bus chased and you sell a concert 
ticket. Either way our cocky, dreaded, lyrical genius, is on the up and up.

Anticipation vs. Ready

Trey Songz has been a very busy man over the last year or so, putting out song after song on numerous mixtapes in an attempt to create a heavy buzz for his newest album, "Ready" that was released on August 31st. His biggest project in this attempt was the mixtape, "Anticipation" that was put out a month before the album. Since the drop of Songz's album, there has been a lot of debating on which project was more of a success. This is what I think:

Trey Songz is one of my favorite R&B artists out right now, but I think that "Ready" was not nearly as strong of a statement as "Anticipation" was. The thought processes on the two projects don't even seem the same. "Anticipation" sounded like Songz has done some serious reflecting and really put his soul into the songs. "Ready" sounds like he was in a rush to make an album and he just put a bunch of songs together so the fans wouldn't be waiting any longer...MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT. There are some songs that are pretty good, but the album as a whole was weak. As far as "Anticipation" goes, I still play it everyday since it came out. There is not one song on it that I can honestly say I don't like. The lyrics, the hooks, the production, the ad-libs...all perfect. He really solidified himself as a force to be reckoned with. All-in-all, I think that Trey Songz had it all backwards. "Anticipation" should've been his album. That just goes to show you how very little foresight the younger artists have...

-H. Slim


Drizzy and Dream? Could be a HIT!

I guess the wheelchair did him some good! Drake is set to drop a new single in a matter of weeks called "Shut It Down" featuring The Dream. The song is the first single from his debut album "Thank Me Later" (being called a "So Far Gone on steriods") that is slated to drop early 2010, being pushed back from the fall of 2009. It's produced by Drake's long-time producer, 40, and a Harlem-based producer named Omen. The song is a woman-empowering song--go figure--for the club-going ladies. The song is said to be a "Prince-like, powerful song." Prince...really, though? We'll see...

-H. Slim